Get involved » Donate » Corporate Giving
How can your company support Cairdeas? Your company or organisation could:
Make a company gift
We work hand in hand with our corporate partners to help fight issues of palliative care among disadvantaged groups. Make a gift to Cairdeas which can be channeled to wherever the need is the most!
How would you like to donate?
Online Transfers and Standing Orders
Please make online payments using the following details:
Name: Cairdeas International Palliative Care Trust, Account Number: 11090398, Sort Code: 83-15-31.
If you set up a standing order to Cairdeas, please inform us here so that we can contact you to say thank you.
Please make cheques payable to 'Cairdeas International Palliative Care Trust' and posted to 15 Kings Cross Avenue, Aberdeen, AB15 6FS.
By Card
You can find the form to pay electronically by card below.
(NB. This facility includes an online option to declare gift aid and a small commission is paid on your donation, so for larger donations if you are able to give by cheque or transfer, more of your money goes to the work of Cairdeas)
Employee Volunteering
Cairdeas would appreciate and benefit from volunteerships. We accept volunteers in the field of program implementation and management, communications and brand management and fundraising. Contact us to find out more.
Offer Payroll Giving and matched funding
Payroll giving schemes encourage and empower staff to support their chosen causes through monthly payroll donations. Matched funding gives your employees the chance to boost their fundraising since the company matches the funds raised. Whether you would like to do this pound-for-pound or provide your employees a specific amount to be matched, Cairdeas would be highly grateful for such efforts! Contact us to find out more.