
India; whirlwind tour

Dr Mhoira Leng
20th March 2011

For the past decade I have travelled to India at this time of the year to meet colleagues and friends at the annual international conference of the Indian Association for Palliative Care. It is such an encouragement to see former students now
Ancient Imam Bara
confidently leading services and presenting their work, to see young nurses nervously, yet proudly, standing by their first research posters, to see a new
Elephant statues in a new municipal park
state raise the profile of palliative care with politicians and the community as they host the conference and to enjoy the welcome and colour and spice of India. This year the conference was in the city of Lucknow, an ancient, richly historical city I have been visiting for a couple of years. The theme was 'networking' and we were able to share some of our work here in Uganda as well as hear reports from across India. Dr Jo Dunn joined me from Kampala as well as Nicholas Mellor from the UK and my friend Geoff Andrews from Congo. The paper I presented focussed on how palliative care training can challenge students and teachers at a deep level; challenging values and so changing practice. The paper can be downloaded from the Cairdeas website if you want to read more. It is at the heart of all we do in Cairdeas and can be illustrated by a quote from a recent student in Kampala; “It changed my practice. When I see a patient very sick I don’t give up, I know there is still something I can do for that patient, it was not like that before”
Long awaited news was also announced that the medical council of India has recognised palliative care for its MD (Specialist) training programme. A great step forward but still so much to do to ensure that there are trained leaders for palliative care and services that mean patients and families have the care they need.
Rickshaw drivers and friends 

Nicholas and a cycle rickshaw driver
As I mentioned earlier, these events allow for local initiatives to raise the profile for palliative care. How about having stickers with the slogan 'Freedom from pain: say 'yes' to palliative care' on thousands of auto-rickshaws across the city? This idea germinated on a previous visit in a discussion between Nicholas and Bilu, a local leader of the auto-rickshaw driver's trade union, followed by blood sweat and tears and the partnership of Cancer Aid Society and Help Age India to make it happen which led to the pictures below. Community empowerment in action!!

Drs Biji and Chitra
 This trip also allowed us to support training in several other centres. Dr Biji Sughosh, a former Diploma student, is now Associate Professor at the Malabar Cancer Centre in Northern Kerala and led a great 2 day Toolkit training programme with 3 of her former teachers: myself, Prof Rajagopal and Dr Chitra Venkiteshweren. I loved being back in the hot, humid, air of Kerala with some of my closest Indian colleagues. Well done Biji and to the young Director of the cancer centre for all you are doing to integrate palliative care and support patients and families.
CMC Ludhiana delegates
We then travelled to the far north to the Punjab where we gathered for the first 3 day Toolkit training at the renowned Ludhiana Christian Medical College. My thanks to Dr Pamela Jiraj from CMC and Dr Ed Dubland from Canada for their 
 organisation. It was great to see the enthusiasm and vision of a wide group of staff and there is a desire for more. As a young doctor keen to have further training shared with us; 'I need to study with someone who can supervise and train me; distance learning is not  enough’
Dr Shakeel and family
Faculty at Aligarh

 Thanks to a cancelled flight the next visit was preceded by a hair raising and exhausting overnight drive through the Punjab, on through Delhi  to the city of Aligarh. I arrived with only 5 minutes to spare before the inauguration of a one day palliative care training organised by Dr Hammad Usmani; a delegate at last year's Toolkit training in Lucknow. Dr Usmani is leading the new palliative care service at Aligarh Muslim University; a prestigious institution which is India's oldest Muslim university and has a a strong sense of service
. It was great to see so many attend on a Sunday and to be joined by Dr Jo as well as colleagues Drs Shakeel and Sanjay from Lucknow and even Sr Shakila from Vellore. I think I managed to stay awake and give some useful teaching despite the lack of sleep! Remember these friends as they seek to develop palliative care in this setting.
Have you followed the whirlwind trip round 4 Indian states, traveling by car, rickshaw, plane and train, meeting with friends and colleagues new and old and seeing palliative care established and grow? It was a huge privilege but also tiring so a brief trip to the beautiful Taj Mahal and a few days relaxing by the beach in Kerala was the perfect ending.

Morphine for Christmas

Dr Mhoira Leng
23rd December 2010

I am writing this from a snowy and beautiful Scotland where temperatures staying well below zero and the contrast dramatic with the equatorial warmth of Uganda.I made it home despite the travel chaos in the UK to celebrate Christmas with my family. I am listening to all the familiar lyrics that are piped through our store and struck by 'all I want for Christmas is......' What do you want for Christmas? For many many people their wish and prayer is for pain relief; for accessible and affordable oral morphine. The good news is that our Mulago team last Friday had its first new supply of oral morphine liquid with heartfelt thanks to Hospice Africa Uganda and our Cairdeas appeal. I would have loved for you to see the smiles and the genuine relief as we were able to take the lurid green liquid (dyed that colour) on our ward round. You can see the delight on the face of Jo (our clinical lecturer) Francis (Degree student on placement) and Micheala (Swedish consultant volunteering for a month) and one of our nursing team, Harriet. The situation is not fully resolved but we now have morphine powder in country and hope to have the new system fully functional very soon. It made a very good reason to have a slice of Chrsitmas cake.  You can see the blackboard behind with many many names; our current in patient list. What kind of difference does oral morphine make for people in pain? Let me introduce you to Mr Sandrerson, a skilled tailor who is the chairman of the home based care volunteers for the Bangwe team in Blantyre, Malawi and whose home I visited recently. Working alongside the palliative care team these volunteers are key in supporting people in their own communities. "If we don't work together with the nurses how can we help our patients? If we see someone in pain and don't have any painkillers, don't have any morphine, then we feel we have let them down and get discouraged.' Let me also take you on a brief ward round in Mulago; first to the Burns Unit. Here patients can have unimaginable pain but the staff are experienced in prescribing oral morphine. However, with the recent shortage many many patients had no effective analgesia. Elizabeth tells a harrowing story of a family member deliberately sabotaging her paraffin with petrol leading to an explosion that seriously burned her as well as her daughters (2 and 11)
She has been in hospital for 2 months already for treatment but her pain had been severe with very little help. Now is is under control and she smiled 'I so appreciate your team visiting and bringing me morphine; thank you.' Richard is in a bed outside the ward because of the crowding and is swathed in bandages. Most of all he is worried about his wife who was injured when petrol was poured over them both and set alight. 'I used to dread the dressings being changed but now I can manage because you have brought me morphine; can you check if my wife has morphine too?' Lets go on to the orthopaedic wards and meet Wesley too; he is only 13 and had had major surgery for a tumour on his arm. His eyes dropped when we asked him what it was like to have severe pain and no morphine; 'I had no hope' he said, and then looked up with a shy smile, 'but now I have hope'.   
I want to say a huge thank you for the support for our morphine appeal. We have almost reached our initial target and will be able to put any extra towards a scholarship to support the training of a nurse to prescribe morphine as part of our Degree programme. Thank you for helping us to bring hope to people like Wesley, Richard and Elizabeth. Whatever your are doing this Christmas and whatever you are longing for, we all at Cairdeas and in our team at Makerere university wish you peace and joy to you and yours; echoing the words of the angels that first Christmas; 'Glory to God in the highest; peace on earth and good will towards man.'

Travels with Cairdeas

Dr Mhoira Leng
23rd November 2010

One of my great privileges is to be able to travel, share something of the work we are doing here, meet and learn from colleagues and offer mentorship and support. The Palliative Care Unit at Makerere is doing some ground breaking work and we were delighted to be invited to share in recent conferences and meetings.
Cape Town saw the Primary Palliative Care Research forum; a group which seek to develop research to support 'all people having access to palliative care at all times and for all dimensions in all setting and in all nations'! An inspirational group of people and Drs Jo, Liz and I were delighted to share with colleagues across Africa as well as Canada, Australia, Belgium and Scotland and see something of the beauty of Cape Town.  Can you see our good friend Prof Scott Murray as well as new friends Alan Barnard, Geoff and Ann Mitchell, Bart and Sophia.
We then traveled to the 3rd conference of the Africa Palliative Care Association in Windhoek, Namibia. More than 300 people from 37
countries gathered to share the successes and progress across the region since the last conference in 2007; as well as look at the key challenges and opportunities ahead. The theme was 'Creativity in practice' and our team including our senior nurse, Josephine and we were all able to
present 6 papers and 1 workshop as well as meet up with some of our Degree students. One challenge shared by most countries is morphine consumption and availability as we know only too well here in Uganda. One speaker reminded us that the USA uses 250,000 times more morphine that Ethiopia; we were reminded that pain control and palliative care is a human right; a 'must have' rather than a 'nice to have'.
Back to Work in Uganda now after a whistle stop tour to the UK to meet supporters at our annual Cairdeas Gathering, celebrate our 5th birthday and share planning discussions with Trustees and other colleagues. We are delighted to have been given a grant by the Diana fund to support our research and training here in Mulago and also delighted to have Dr Jo Dunn and Dr Julia Downing (both pictured above) join us. Our team is growing and strengthening. Meanwhile our most pressing day to day challenge remains the lack of oral morphine. We are grateful for the help of Hospice Africa Uganda but we are all struggling to find ways to support our patients in pain until this crisis is resolved and morphine once again is freely available. I will use my next BLOG to tell you some stories and to properly introduce our Christmas appeal for oral morphine but for a preview there is a justgiving site.

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