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Pallium India
An Indian registered charitable trust formed to fulfil the need for a stable organisation working at the national level to fight for needs of the suffering millions in India who are in need of pain relief and palliative care. Pallium India’s flagship is the Trivandrum Institute of Palliative Sciences (TIPS) in Trivandrum, Kerala which is a WHO Collaborating Centre for Training and Policy and Access to Pain Relief. Elsewhere, Pallium India identifies committed individuals and institutions and support them to develop quality palliative care services. Pallium India also works with Central and State Governments for integrating palliative care into the Health Care System, facilitating palliative care education and improving access to essential and affordable medicines like morphine and other opioids. Cairdeas has been associated with Pallium India for many years and continues to support joint projects.

EHA (Emmanuel Hospitals Association)
Founded in 1970 as an indigenous Christian health and development agency serving the people of North India. It has 20 hospitals and 42 projects. It is committed to the transformation of communities though caring with a focus on the poor and marginalised, largely in rural areas. with a catchment population of nearly seven million. EHA launched its palliative care programmes in 2010 and Cairdeas has partnered to build capacity, develop and deliver training courses, offer mentorship and carry out evaluations.

Guwahati Pain and Palliative Care Society
They aim to develop good palliative care and pain control services for people in every district in the North East of India whether at home or in hospital, and when suffering from cancer or other disease where palliative care can bring benefit. Cairdeas has partnered with GPPCS and Dr Dinesh Goswami in capacity building, training and mentorship.

Mehac Foundation
seeks to provide comprehensive psychosocial care to the needy, particularly to such sections of society who do not have access to health resources in general and particularly to monetary resources. The Mehac model involves empowering local communities to impart free mental health services to fellow human beings under the guidance and supervision of trained medical professionals. We pursue this objective by initiating, facilitating and strengthening the mental health component of existing general and primary health care services. Dr Chitra Venkateswaran is the clinical director and also Faculty for Cairdeas. Dr Mhoira leng is on the Advisory Board.

Indian Association for Palliative Care (IAPC)
was set up in 1994 in consultation with the World Health Organisation (WHO) and the government of India as a national forum to connect, support and motivate individuals and institutions involved in palliative care. They are involved with many national level initiatives including end of life care and the IAPC certificate in training. Annually they host an international conference IAPCON where Cairdeas personnel have regularly presented and participated. A peer reviewed publication the Indian Journal of Palliative Care is also hosted and free to access.

University of Edinburgh, Global Health Academy and Primary Palliative Care Research Group
This is a long term partner collaborating in several projects including the development of MPCU, research capacity development, PhD opportunity, expert visits to scope and develop palliative care in different settings and specific projects such as the Integrate Palliative Care; a health systems strengthening project funded by UKaid via THET (Tropical Health Education Trust) in Uganda, Kenya, Zambia and Rwanda and a Fellowship to develop nurse leaders in Uganda. The PPCRG is active across the world and has collaborated to improve care in the community.

THET (Tropical Health & Education Trust)
A UK based charity and global health organisation that trains and supports health workers through health partnerships, enabling people in low and middle income countries to access essential healthcare. THET is a key funder of Cairdeas’ work through the funding it receives from DFID UK (the Department for International Development) and directed to the Makerere Palliative Care Unit (MPCU) through the University of Edinburgh.

Makerere and Mulago Palliative Care Unit
Based in Kampala, Uganda - it is our main partner in Uganda. It is an academic unit within the department of medicine at Makerere University working clinically across the Mulago hospitals site; the national referral service. The vision of MPCU is access to evidence-based, quality palliative care for all in need in Uganda, subSaharan Africa and beyond. through the scale-up and implementation of a sustainable, Ugandan-led model Palliative Care Unit in collaboration with our partners, which delivers and demonstrates a quality evidence-based service at the Mulago hospital site and carries out research, training and capacity building. Its key priorities are clinical service provision, education and training, advocacy, research and sustainability. Cairdeas has been instrumental in the initiation, development and ongoing work of MPCU.

Ugandan Cancer Trust
A UK-based charity UK based charity raising money to support cancer treatment, education and care in Uganda. More than 60% of cancer deaths occur in developing countries, but only 5% of cancer spending. They work with MPCU in the volunteer programmes and information support as part of the psychosocial and spiritual care for patients and their families.

The Palliative Care Association of Uganda
The Palliative Care Association of Uganda is a non-governmental organisation (NGO) to promote and support affordable and culturally appropriate palliative care throughout Uganda. It has huge national reach and credibility. There is an MOU between with PCAU and MPCU to support the work particularly through financial policies and procedures.